Sunday 19 March 2017

application is not accesible with " A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle / has not been defined " error in SystemOut logs

Even Virtual host port is defined in virtual host and Virtual host is properly mapped to the application still getting

 A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle / has not been defined " error in SystemOut logs and application is not accessible.

then Stop Node and JVM. take backup of ear's under applications

C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01Sec\config\cells\was85user-PCCell01\applications path

and remove the application ear that is throwing error and which is not accessible from above mentioned location now Synchronize the Node then Start Node and Start JVM.

Note: Don't Remove any configurations in Deployment Manager.

Note : use valid path If you are using Linux Machines.

getting permission Related Error on /tmp even if /tmp is having 777 permissions

In most of the Environments /tmp will have sticky applied to it . if you give 777 also it will not work and gives permission issue because /tmp will be owned by unix user (root) if you want to provide access like creater of file or directory should have all privileges you should apply sticky on that directory.

below command applies sticky on /tmp

chmod 777 /tmp

chmod o+t /tmp

How to Stop SystemOut.logand SystemErr.log rotation even server is running state

If Get Requirement like to OFF or to stop SystemOut.log or SystemErr.log log rotation,please follow below steps

To stop Application Related logs Dumping in Server log

Step1 : uncheck Show application print statements like in screen shot

 Logging and tracing > server1 > JVM Logs

Step 2: off the Tracing in Server in below location.below is for runtime if you want you can use same for configuration time also but it require server restart.

Logging and tracing > server1 > Diagnostic trace service > Change log detail levels