Below Script Helps you to Stop Application.
Run below script from Deployment Manager Bin
$./wsadmin -f /tmp/ DefaultApp gbr_testserver1
Note :Here DefaultApp is Application Name , gbr_testserver1 is server Name
give file name as
import sys
from time import sleep
def stopAppOnServer(appName, serverName):
appready = AdminApp.isAppReady(appName)
print appready
if appready == 'false':
appready = AdminApp.isAppReady(appName)
print appready
print "stoping the application "+appName+" on "+serverName+" "
appManager = AdminControl.queryNames("type=ApplicationManager,process="+ serverName +",*")
if appManager == "":
print "Please make sure whether Application Server is up and running before stoping the applicaiton "
AdminControl.invoke(appManager, 'stopApplication', appName)
appstate = AdminControl.completeObjectName("type=Application,name="+appName+",*")
if appstate == "":
print ""+ appName +" stopped "
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This function verifies whether Application is already Available to Stop or not.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def appexist():
print " checking for the "+appName+" applicaiton whether it is Available to Stop or not"
apps = AdminApp.list().split(lineSeparator)
for applist in apps:
if applist == appName:
print "Application is availabe to stop"
print " ------------------------------------------------"
print " "+appName+" doesn't exists now so it will not be stopped "
#Main codes start here....
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (len(sys.argv) !=2):
print " Please enter correct arguments "
print " ex: sample server1"
appName = sys.argv[0]
serverName = sys.argv[1]
print "Application Name : " +appName
print "Server Name : " +serverName
stopAppOnServer(appName, serverName)
Output of Above script will be as follows
./ -f /tmp/ DefaultApp gbr_testserver1
WASX7209I: Connected to process "dmgr" on node localhostCellManager01 using SOAP connector; The type of process is: DeploymentManager
WASX7303I: The following options are passed to the scripting environment and are available as arguments that are stored in the argv variable: "[DefaultApp, gbr_testserver1]"
Application Name : DefaultApp
Server Name : gbr_testserver1
checking for the DefaultApp applicaiton whether it is Available to Stop or not
Application is availabe to stop
ADMA5071I: Distribution status check started for application DefaultApp.
ADMA5011I: The cleanup of the temp directory for application DefaultApp is complete.
ADMA5072I: Distribution status check completed for application DefaultApp.
stoping the application DefaultApp on gbr_testserver1
DefaultApp stopped