Monday 9 March 2015

Enable Trace during configuration Time and Runtime from Admin Console

Troubleshooting --> Logs and Trace--> select  Server Name you want enable trace

Click on Diagnostic trace

Click  on Change Log Detail Level

Click on all components --> Message and trace level --> select “fine” or  “finer” or  “finest” according to your requirement and click on apply

Save the changes to master Repository and stop the server and start server.

Now we can fing trace  in logs

Enabling Runtime Trace

Enabling RunTime trace is similar like Configuration time ,but instead of configuration tab we will enable Same Trace String in RunTime . but here difference between Configuration Time and RunTime is RunTime Trace does not require server Restart, as soon as you pass trace string and apply trace logs will be generated, but for trace logs will not be generated until you restart trace enabled server. RunTime Trace setting will not survive in server restart, where as  configuration time traces will not be lost on server restart.

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