Saturday 7 March 2015

Reason's for JVM is not starting

reasons for JVM's not starting can be multiple

1.Not enough free memory on machine.

2.Space available on the mount is not enough.

3.Not having permisssion on startServer.log file.check the process execution user is the user of startServer.log file and having write permission.

4.Process might be running behind and showing stop status in front end,then kill the process and start Server.

5.Orphaned process id file left in pid file but pid is stoped.

6.JVM log file size might crossed the 2GB size.

7.Sometimes due to JMS draining also Server will not. It will start on purging the messages from MQ server queue of that WAS JVM.

8.Passing the cross functionality JVM arguments also JVM will not .

9.In Rare cases port conflict also make  JVM not to start.

10.On server certificates expiry can also causes the server not to start.

11.Server may not start if coregroup  coordinator is failing.

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