Tuesday 22 March 2016

Application is not able to access from web seal servers and they were working fine from direct URL's.

issue is with web seal log file reached to 2GB so it stopped the responding .to resolve this we have renamed the log file and restarted the web seal server then application is able to access from the web seal servers as log rotation is made.

Webseal log Rotation

The websead msg log is not controlled from within the webseal conf file, but instead, via the routing file.
The contents of the msg__webseald.log file come from webseal's STDERR, as controlled in the /opt/pdweb/etc/routing file

The routing file can be modified to redirect these messages to a file, and the log file management can be configured at the same time.
 For example.

Note:log file will be rotated after 10000 entries in any of file Fatal or error or warning log file .and max historical files are 10

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