Monday 21 March 2016

hostname not found and SSLHandshake error

we have renewed VeriSign web server certificate from our end informed to application team for checkout the application ,during checkout it went successful without any issue. we were not sure to which other applications the current application is interacting with. later when people soft servers are bounce after 3months from people soft team, people soft  were seeing sslhandshake error(related to our vip name) from people soft team end along with host not found exception in logs. to solving this we have give verisign intermediate cert (class G4) to them to add intermediate cert  in their server, after adding cert in people soft server and restarting peoplesoft servers the sslhandshake error is resolve the host not found we have reached DNS team to resolve from DNC team end, for temporary fix we have added our vip name in host aliases in /etc/resolve.conf and restarted networkmanager service .

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